Wednesday, 1 June 2016

The Remain Rationale

I Since my last post I have been watching a lot on videos, mainly on the BBC iplayer App but the below website may help find them

I must say I listened to Teresa May's one all the way through and it was the first time I genuinely realised I was considering voting remain.

I was also passed this You Tube one by a family member. It has John Major explaining his Remain Rationale

The problem I have with John Major was that back in the days of the ERM he was a firm advocate of joining the pre-cursor to the Euro, the Exchange Rate Mechanism. He spent £3.5 billion 25 years ago trying to stay in. I suppose that just went straight onto the debt pile that is still sitting there with an interest interest charge. How does that compare to a year long recession if we leave? It was that recession where I lost my job and went to work in France, as described in an earlier blog last year.

And the only mention from John Major was that the decision to launch the Euro was a made too early, and was a mistake. It was wonderful how he omitted to mention the ERM and the mistakes he made.

It is not what a  politician says, it is what a politician does not say that is interesting.

Again though, it was a useful video to watch and thought provoking.

If I vote to remain it will be with absolute anger because it will just send the wrong message to the EU institutions, that there is no need to change. No need to fix the issues within the Euro area and fix the unemployment rates. They are trying but they have created the Euro which is just a dreadful straight jacket - a bad decision.

What other bad decisions will they make in the next 25 years?

I suppose the heart of the matter is that whether we are in the EU or out we will still be affected by their decisions. So why not stay in and keep trying at reforms. Not easy with 11 % of voting rights and everyone still advocating both enlargement and ever-closer union. Its the agenda that is wrong, not the need to work together in Europe. How on earth can you have a common currency with such a varied range of GDPs per capita. Madness!

Has David Cameron's renegotiation really created a buffer to isolate us from the financial costs that are likely in the future.

But the Leave Campaign is frankly not stepping up to it, with respect to the detail on the structures that would be put in place. There are mechanisms as highlighted in my earlier blogs on Flexit and Brexit, last summer. I think they have just decided to take the hit on winning the argument over the economy. A win to the Remainers, then, it would seem.

Back soon

....the Undecided Voter.

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