Sunday, 5 February 2017

French and German elections

It has been a challenge trying to digest and interpret all that has been said by the various groups since the Brexit result. There have been a lot of angry and frustrated people voicing their concerns.

There are die-hard Remainers, just as there are die-hard Brexiteers! I have confidence in Theresa May to navigate along the right path. In fact it was her sole speech in support of a remain result on the referendum that actually started me thinking of voting to remain. She will pay attention to the detail. I think she is the right person at the right time to lead the UK at the moment.

I have come back to my blog after a relatively long time away. How interesting to see that the readers who have accessed the blog in the last month come from France and Germany. Their national elections will shape the future of the EU, and influence dramatically how the Brexit negotiations develop over the next two years. I wish them well! I hope democracy delivers the right result. There needs to be a high turnout by the majority of the population; with engagement in the election process.

Back soon.... interested spectator!

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